Articles & Interviews

Solo Q & A: Khloe Felton

Photos by Melanie Heaney In this Solo Q&A, learn more about Khloe Felton, a U.S. ice dancer who competes in Junior Solo Combined. At the 2023 U.S. Solo Dance Championships,…

Arizona skaters learn from a champion

by Anne Calder Lucas Appel is the 2023 (gold) and 2024 (silver) Solo Dance U.S. National Champion. He attends Florida Gulf University as a full-time student majoring in psychology and…

Emmy Bronsard, Ice Dancer

by Anne Calder | Photos by Melanie Heaney Emmy Bronsard is a Canadian figure skater who grew up in Montreal with her mom and dogs, The 19 year-old is a…

The Evolution of Compulsory Dances 

by Morgan Matthews Pennington Utter the words “compulsory dances” to a group of young ice dancers and you’re likely to elicit groans. The set steps, rigid patterns, and most of…

Additional RD quotes from the first teams

by Anne Calder Thirty-six ice dance couples competed in the Rhythm Dance at the recent 2024 World Championships. IDC chatted with many of the athletes who made their debuts and…